The share of adults planning a home purchase within 12 months has fallen for two consecutive quarters, going from 17% in the second quarter of 2021, to 16% and 15% in the third and fourth quarter of the year, respectively. The downward trend provides evidence that higher home prices and low housing availability (relative to demand) are leading some Americans… Read More ›
On the latest episode of NAHB’s Housing Developments podcast, CEO Jerry Howard and Chief Lobbyist Jim Tobin sit down with Gretchen Gutierrez, the executive officer of the Desert Valley Builders’ Association in Palm Beach, Calif., to discuss the value of being an affiliated local within the Federation.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the of the United States increased by 393,000 to an estimated 332 million from the previous year. In 2021, the estimated population growth rate of 0.12 percent was the lowest since the Bureau began collecting this data beginning in 1900. Per Census estimates, slower population growth in 2021 was a result of decreasing fertility,… Read More ›
The HBA of West Florida recently won final summary judgment in a long-running case challenging the methodology of a new ordinance in Santa Rosa County, Fla., that levied school impact fees of $5,000 on each new home permitted in the county, $4,000 for each mobile home, and $2,750 for each multi-family unit.
The majority of home buyers prefer to go green when provided the option and will generally spend more for it — for instance, paying more for green building certifications or installing features that will save on utilities. So how can builders capitalize on this growing interest and work it into their businesses?