HBA Women In Building
The HBA Women in Building Council (HBAWB) is the voice of women in the building industry—dedicated to promoting industry professionalism and supporting members at the local, state, and national levels.
Members receive support from each other and collectively create programs and events that represent and reflect their unique interests.

Take your career to the next level by joining a network of fellow women in the building industry.
They share strategies and business solutions through education, networking, publications, mentoring and legislative awareness. Many local councils provide hands-on community outreach opportunities throughout the year and scholarships that support both young women just entering into the trades and professionals who are seeking continuing education and professional development.
During the NAHB International Builders’ Show®, the HBAWB hosts a variety of activities in its central headquarters, and all show attendees are invited. The headquarters’ setting is informal and designed for group discussions and one-on-one networking. It’s the perfect place to discuss trends, challenges and gain fresh industry insight.
Published tri-annually, the council’s exclusive, members-only magazine — Building Women — features powerful trailblazers who support the building industry, business tools, market studies, and tips for balancing work and life.