NAHB recently released its 2022 priced out estimates, showing how higher prices and interest rates affect housing affordability. The new estimates show that 87.5 million households (roughly 69 percent of all U.S. households) are not able to afford a new median priced new home in 2022, meaning their incomes are insufficient to qualify for a mortgage under standard underwriting criteria. … Read More ›
In the fourth quarter of 2021, the Federal Reserve’s Board’s Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey (SLOOS) on Bank Lending Practices showed easing lending standards for Commercial Real Estate (CRE) loans, increased demand for multifamily loans, and moderately reduced demand for home loans (Residential Real Estate, RRE). In Q4 2021, multifamily loans’ demand, on net, was 37.7 percent stronger. However, only… Read More ›
Members of NAHB elected four senior officers to top leadership positions within the Federation at the conclusion of this week’s NAHB Leadership Meetings at the 2022 International Builders’ Show. Taking the helm as NAHB’s Chairman of the Board this year is Jerry Konter, a Georgia-based home builder and developer with more than 40 years of experience in the home building industry.