In the third quarter of 2021, the demand for apartment and other multifamily properties surged, contributing to the rise in their price levels, as shown by the Commercial Real Estate Price Index (CREPI) series. This recent development owed to a combination of several related factors: an increase in COVID-19 vaccinations, more lenient lending standards by banks, unprecedented home price growth,… Read More ›
In a move supported by NAHB, all 50 Republican senators have signed onto a letter to request that the Environmental Protection Agency halt its “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rulemaking while the Supreme Court considers a case brought by Idaho couple Chantell and Mike Sackett on the Clean Water Act.

To learn more about government relations and other industry issues, please contact Melissa Parmelee, Community and Government Relations.
According to the latest Housing Trends Report, home buyers’ affordability expectations deteriorated throughout 2021. By the fourth quarter, the share of buyers who could afford less than half the homes available in their markets was at 76%. That share had risen all year: from 63% in the final quarter of 2020, to 65% in the first quarter of 2021, 71%… Read More ›