LHBA: Legislative Update

By Advocacy, LHBA Legislative Update

New Excavation Laws Effective this Month

Beginning in January 2022, underground utilities and facility operators are now required to notify prior to the mark-by time, if their underground facilities are not in the area of the request.  Act 9 of the 2021 Regular Legislative Session also states that the excavator shall be notified if the underground facilities are not fully marked before the location deadline.

This new statute clarifies the excavator must provide the specific location with the current notice requirements or can physically mark the route or area of excavation or demolition. White paint, flags, stakes, or similar means under American Public Works Association guidelines can be used as markings prior to submitting notice.

Act 9 went into effect on January 2, 2022. The 2022 Regular Legislative Session convenes this year on Monday, March 14, 2022 and adjourns no later than 6:00 pm on Monday, June 6, 2022.  

Information provided by Michelle Shirley, LHBA Lobbyist

To learn more about government relations and other industry issues, please contact Melissa Parmelee, Community and Government Relations.

Mortgage Rates Jump

By Housing
The latest Mortgage Bankers Association’s (MBA) weekly application surveys shows a decline for refinancing and an increase in mortgage purchasing. The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rate increased, averaging close to 3.4 percent for the month and was 3.52 percent in the latest week, the week ending January 7th. In the latest week, total mortgage applications, as proxied by the MBA’s Market… Read More ›