With the end of 2021 approaching, NAHB’s Eye on Housing is reviewing the posts that attracted the most readers over the last year. In December, David Logan reported on data examining inflationary impacts on construction material costs. The prices of goods used in residential construction ex-energy climbed 1.8% in November (not seasonally adjusted), according to the latest Producer Price Index… Read More ›
With the end of 2021 approaching, NAHB’s Eye on Housing is reviewing the posts that attracted the most readers over the last year. In May, Paul Emrath reported on data concerning supply shortages for builders. Shortages of materials are now more widespread than at any at any time since NAHB began tracking the issue on a regular basis in the… Read More ›
Housing affordability has been an ongoing concern surrounding the home building industry, as factors such as lot and labor shortages continue to impact housing prices. The issue was compounded in 2021 by skyrocketing material prices, which had far-reaching effects on multiple aspects of the building industry.