On August 9th, West Feliciana Parish Council introduced the following ordinances:
- Introduce an ordinance to repeal and reenact Chapter 135 – Zoning Code
- Introduce an ordinance to repeal and reenact Chapter 115 – Green Law Regulations
- Introduce an ordinance to repeal and reenact Chapter 130 – Subdivision
- Introduce an ordinance to enact Chapter 136 – Impact Fees
After the public hearing on the proposed ordinances, the Council voted to defer action on adopting new land development, zoning, green-space and impact fee ordinances. As of November 8, 2021, the council deferred the ordinances to 2022. A moratorium on new major residential development has been in effect since August 2020.
On November 4, 2021, the Ascension Parish Council adopted a stormwater ordinance. The parish is federally and state mandated to develop and implement ordinances and other regulatory mechanisms for managing stormwater. The requirements can be found in our MS4 permit. This ordinance is based on federal and state standards and is comparable to what other MS4’s have implemented around the state.
HBA is working with Dean Wallace, Stormwater Program Manager, to ensure those building and developing in the parish have BMPs for stormwater management approved by administration. To see the full ordinance included in the meeting please click here.
For questions about stormwater in Ascension Parish, please contact Dean Wallace, Ascension Parish Stormwater Program Manager.
For questions about HBA Advocacy, please contact Melissa Parmelee, VP of Community and Government Relations.