Ascension Parish Consultants invite realtors, developers and builders to discuss UDC changes.

By Advocacy

HBA members participated in a meeting with the Parish Planning Consultant Kendig Keast Collaborative to discuss issues and modifications to the Parish Unified Land Development Code (UDC) which includes the subdivision ordinance, drainage ordinance, traffic study policy and drainage study policy.

After consolidating feedback back from several stakeholder groups including the public, Kendig Keast will send to HBA suggested updates to the UDC.

Click here to see the full review from consultants which should lift the moratorium on time by April 2022.

To comment on this issue and other industry issues, please contact Melissa Parmelee, VP of Community and Government Relations.

Call to Action: Attend Ordinance Committee meeting to challenge Livingston Parish Drainage Impact Fees

By Advocacy

On November 18th, the Livingston Parish council introduced the Drainage Impact Ordinance for a brief discussion. Many spoke against the ordinance including finance staff for the parish about the administrative needs when ordinances like impact fees are imposed. The Drainage Impact Fee Ordinance was moved to the Ordinance Committee for more review.

Ordinance Committee
November 30th at 6 p.m.
20355 Government Boulevard
Livingston, Louisiana 70754

Members and stakeholders are encouraged to attend and provide feedback. The attached letter outlines NAHB/LHBA/HBA’s questions about the ordinance.

At this time, the ordinance committee is also discussing tax districts which is an alternative to impact fees and has been supported by developers in other areas.

To comment on this issue and other industry issues, please contact Melissa Parmelee, VP of Community and Government Relations.

Multifamily Condo Production Showing Gains?

By Housing
According to NAHB analysis of quarterly Census data, the market share of rental units of multifamily construction starts declined to 93.4% during the third quarter of 2021. This is the lowest share since the first quarter of 2020. In contrast, the historical low share of 47% was set during the third quarter of 2005, during the condo building boom. An… Read More ›

IBS Education Sessions Explore Alternative Building Solutions

By Industry News
As supply-chain issues continue to challenge the housing market, builders can explore different building techniques that may streamline the home-building process and utilize less material. The 2022 NAHB International Builders’ Show® (IBS) provides opportunities to explore these options through various education sessions focused on offsite construction.