Private Residential Spending Dips in September

By Housing
NAHB analysis of Census Construction Spending data shows that total private residential construction spending decreased 0.4% in September to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $773.5 billion. Total private residential construction spending was 19.3% higher than a year ago. Spending on single-family, multifamily constructions and improvements all declined in September, as homebuilding is still facing the supply chain issues, the… Read More ›

Conventional Loan Share of New Home Sales Reaches 13-Year High

By Housing
NAHB analysis of the most recent Quarterly Sales by Price and Financing published by the U.S. Census Bureau reveals that conventional loans financed 75.7% of new home sales in the third quarter of 2021—the largest share since the beginning of the Great Recession in 2008. The share increased 1.7 percentage points over Q2 2021 (revised) and has risen each of… Read More ›

Personal Income Declined 1% in September

By Housing
The most recent data release from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) showed that personal income slumped 1% in September to a seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of $20.49 billion. This decrease in personal income was largely due to declines in the government social benefits, including economic impact payments and the pandemic unemployment compensation. It largely offset the increase in… Read More ›