The ICC Online voting period is now open and will run through November 1st. If you haven’t already, now is the time to reach out to your local code official.
Please contact melissa@hbagbr.org with any questions.
East Baton Rouge Parish Metropolitan Council will vote at it’s next meeting to approve or deny the authorization for the Mayor-President to execute a contract for professional services with Black & Veatch Management Consulting, LLC in connection with a utility development study.
Kelvin Hill, East Baton Rouge Parish’s Assistant Chief Administrative Officer, reported current efforts of Department of Public Works maintenance at a recent council meeting.
To learn more about the municipalities that have approved a fee, review this study by Black & Veatch.
Please contact melissa@hbagbr.org for more information.

Leaders from Baton Rouge’s Department of Public Works (BRDPW) joined builders and developers for a discussion on best practices for construction site stormwater management. Our Association continues to work with BRDPW to bring consistency and clarity to the stormwater inspection process. We are committed to being a part of the solution to ensure our industry can keep building and manage stormwater effectively and efficiently.
The presentation included specific examples and can be viewed here.
Please contact melissa@hbagbr.org for more information.