Share of New Homes with Decks Drops Below 20 Percent

By Housing
Of the roughly 990,000 single-family homes started in 2020, only 19.3 percent included decks, according to NAHB tabulation of data from the Survey of Construction (SOC, conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau and partially funded by HUD).  This marks the third year in a row the share of new homes with decks has declined, and the first time the share… Read More ›

Auto Loans and Mortgages for Younger Households

By Housing
Homeownership continues to be a primary driver of household wealth, according to the 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF). Though homeownership rates increase with age, young households, those under the age of 35, experienced the largest gains for homeownership in 2019. Additionally, the share of young households with home mortgage debt and auto loans increased, while share with education loans… Read More ›

Property Taxes by State – 2019

By Housing
Property taxes vary widely across states both in terms of annual taxes paid as well as effective tax rates. In 2019, the difference between average real estate taxes paid by New Jersey and Alabama home owners was $7,974. New Jersey continued its perennial distinction as having the highest average real estate tax bill per home owner ($8,687) as well as… Read More ›