Women Make Up 10.9% of the Construction Workforce

By Housing
The number of women employed in the construction industry grew slightly in 2020, rising to around 1.17 million, while the construction industry lost 587,000 jobs in 2020 when the pandemic hit the economy. Currently, women make up a growing share of the construction employment, up to 10.9% in 2020 from 10.3% in 2019. As the construction skilled labor shortage remains… Read More ›

Price Index for Inputs to Residential Construction Declines in August

By Housing
Prices paid for goods used in residential construction ex-energy decreased 0.7% in August (not seasonally adjusted), according to the latest Producer Price Index (PPI) report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The decrease was largely driven by a decline in lumber and wood products prices and was the first monthly decline since the start of the last recession.  The price… Read More ›

Tracking the Geography of Home Building: Housing Affordability Metrics

By Housing
Housing affordability has gained increased attention in recent quarters due growing home prices and rents. For the second quarter of 2021, NAHB’s Home Building Geography Index (HBGI) explored a geographic measure of housing affordability using Price-to-Income ratios of all counties in the United States1 to map the geography of single-family and multifamily construction. The principal findings of this new classification… Read More ›