BUILD-PAC Launches ‘Minutes with a Member’ Town Hall Series

By Industry News

Ever wonder how Washington is protecting your business? Do you have a question you want to ask a member of Congress? BUILD-PAC, NAHB’s political action committee, is launching a new virtual town hall series to answer your questions and connect BUILD-PAC donors to Washington from home.

Minutes with a Member is a new weekly virtual town hall series that gives BUILD-PAC investors the opportunity to interact with members of Congress who are fighting for the housing industry every day. Each town hall will be 30 minutes.

Special guests will include Defenders of Housing and lawmakers who sit on key committees and subcommittees important to the housing industry. Members of Congress will discuss a variety of topics, including NAHB’s priorities, key legislation moving forward in Washington and the 2020 elections.

The first webinar will take place Wednesday, April 29, at 2 p.m. ET. BUILD-PAC contributors can RSVP on the BUILD-PAC Minutes with a Member webpage.

The first guest for the series is Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY). He is chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and a member of the committees on Energy and Natural Resources, Foreign Relations, and Indian Affairs. Barrasso is the third-ranking Republican member of the Senate as chairman of the Senate Republican Conference. His support on key issues has helped keep housing at the forefront in Washington.

BUILD-PAC contributors can also provide any questions they have for the guest speaker upon registration, and the member will answer as many as time permits.

For more information on BUILD-PAC, and to get involved in NAHB’s advocacy, join the BUILD-PAC Advocates Facebook page. The page has additional information on BUILD-PAC and serves as a resource for members.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about BUILD-PAC, please visit or email

SBA Now Taking PPP Loan Applications; New EIDL Applications are on Hold

By Industry News

The new $484 billion aid package approved by Congress includes $60 billion to renew funding for the Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) program and adds $320 billion to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Those who were caught in the middle of the loan application process when funding ran dry need to know the following:

The Small Business Administration (SBA) resumed accepting PPP loan applications  as of 10:30 a.m. EDT this morning (April 27).

The SBA is currently not accepting new EIDL applications. However, if you were in the process of applying for a EIDL loan and have an application number that begins with the No. 3, your application remains in the queue and you do not need to reapply for a loan.

More information on the PPP and EIDL loan programs can be found here.

NAHB will be fighting for additional funding for the PPP and EIDL loan programs in the next congressional stimulus package.

For more information, contact Alex Strong at 1-800-368-5242 x8279 or Heather Voorman at x8425.

Develop Highly Valuable Project Management Skills in Live Online Course

By Industry News

It is important to develop the skills essential to getting a project built on time and on budget to grow your home building company and deliver a product your customers will love.

NAHB’s Project Management live online course, taught by veteran NAHB Instructor Jeff Hunt, will show you how to create and stick to schedules, and hit cost and quality goals, while ensuring client and worker satisfaction, reducing liability exposure, and winning additional business. The course is offered in webinar format over three consecutive Tuesdays — May 5, 12 and 19 — 1-3 p.m. ET.

Participants in this course will be able to:

  • Explain the basics of successful project management.
  • Execute the pre-construction project management functions and responsibilities.
  • Implement the tools available for efficient project management.
  • Manage trade contractors effectively.
  • Perform project management duties during the project.
  • Complete the duties and responsibilities of post-project management.

Registration is open until 3 p.m. ET Monday, May 4. For questions about registration, please contact Deborah Krat at 800-368-5242 x8155.

Course participants can earn six hours of continuing education credits for the following 12 designations: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGP, CGR, CMP, CSP, GMB, GMR, Master CGP, Master CSP, MIRM.

Share of Americans Looking to Buy a Home Drops to Lowest 1st Quarter Reading in Three Years

By Housing

According to NAHB’s latest Housing Trends Report (HTR), the share of adults who are considering purchasing a home in the next 12 months fell to 10% in the first quarter of 2020, down from 17% and 13%, respectively, in the first quarters of 2018 and 2019. This decline marks the sixth consecutive year-over-year drop in the share of American adults planning to buy a home in the year ahead. For the majority of these buyers (61%), this will be their first time buying a home, about the same share as a year earlier (60%).

The timing of the data collection for this report is highly consequential. The online survey was in the field from March 17 through March 28, the early stage of the COVID-19 crisis in the US. About 12 million people filed for unemployment benefits in the two weeks immediately after data collection closed. For this reason, we assess that responses in this quarter’s report mostly reflect people’s views prior to the full impact of stay-at-home orders and social distancing restrictions imposed by local and state governments.

In the latest HTR, Millennials are the most likely generation to be making plans to purchase a home within a year (16%), while Boomers are the least likely (5%). The share of Gen Z respondents with plans for a home purchase dropped to 13%, from 20% a year earlier. Geographically, 11% of respondents in the South and West are prospective home buyers, slightly ahead of the 8% in the Northeast and Midwest.

The likelihood that a prospective buyer is trying homeownership for the first time decreases with age: 85% of Gen Z buyers are first-timers, compared to only 25% of Boomer buyers. Looking at results by region shows that 2 of every 3 prospective buyers in the West are first-timers. The share is nearly 60% in the other three regions.

In terms of the type of home these prospective home buyers are interested in, 40% are looking to buy an existing home and 24% a newly-built home. The remaining 36% would buy either a new or existing home.

* The HOUSING TRENDS REPORT is a research product created by the NAHB Economics team with the goal of measuring prospective home buyers’ perceptions about the availability and affordability of homes for-sale in their markets. The HTR is produced quarterly to track changes in buyers’ perceptions over time. All data are derived from national polls of representative samples of American adults conducted for NAHB by Morning Consult. Results are not seasonally adjusted due to the short-time horizon of the series, and therefore only year-over-year comparisons are statistically valid. A description of the poll’s methodology and sample characteristics can be found here.  This is the first in a series of five posts highlighting results for the first quarter of 2020.

NAHB Updates Job Site Coronavirus Safety Guidance for Construction

By Industry News

The Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC) has published important updates to its guidance for construction employers, employees and contractors on coronavirus exposure prevention, preparedness and response. NAHB is a key member of CISC.

The Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Plan for Construction describes how to prevent worker exposure to coronavirus, protective measures to be taken on the job site, personal protective equipment and work practice controls to be used, cleaning and disinfecting procedures, and what to do if a worker becomes sick. The plan served as the basis for materials provided for the COVID-19 Job Site Safety Stand Down held April 16.

The updates in Version 2 of the plan include some significant changes and additions as more data have become available on the spread of COVID-19, including:

  • New guidance on the use of face coverings, including masks and cloth coverings (bandanas, etc.)
  • A new section, Guidance for Critical Infrastructure Employers, based on new CDC guidance
  • Specific procedures for screening and allowing visitors onto job sites
  • An appendix on the procedures for monitoring the temperature of workers, including next steps if a high fever is found
  • Additional guidance on ride sharing, and the use of common drinking and eating sources
  • And much more

The safety plan is customizable for companies to meet state requirements for a coronavirus response plan and includes a graphic-based poster intended for display.

Home builders, general contractors, contractors and other companies conducting work on construction job sites are encouraged to download the guidance, customize it for their companies, and distribute or display to workers.

The safety plan also contains authorization letters for workers to carry with them should they be asked by local law enforcement their purpose for being out of the house.

Access the resources in the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response section of

For any questions, please contact Rob Matuga.

Members and HBAs Continue Helping Communities Respond to COVID-19

By Industry News

Members of the home building industry are using their unique skills and expertise to help local communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the second in series of posts showcasing those efforts and sharing positive news during this challenging time.

3-D Masks for First Responders


Mostad Construction prints 3-D masks for first responders.

Montana Building Industry Association member Missoula’s Mostad Construction Inc. helped first responders in their area by making and delivering 30, 3-D masks to the Missoula County Sherriff’s Department. Fifty more masks are expected to be delivered soon to other area first responders in need. “As construction workers in Montana, we’re considered essential, and this is a way for us to give back to the community that is supporting us,” the company’s Loren Mostad said.

Mostad Construction purchased the 3-D printers in order to make the masks after being inspired by another Montana company that had done the same.

Portable Buildings for the Homeless

New Orleans portable buildings

Portable buildings from Davie Shoring move into place at the New Orleans Mission.

Home Builders Association of Greater New Orleans member Warren Davie of Davie Shoring Inc. donated five portable buildings to local nonprofit the New Orleans Mission for use by the city’s homeless population. The 768-square-foot buildings were previously used as classrooms following Hurricane Katrina and were slated for demolition before Davie, a volunteer at the mission, acquired, salvaged, and relocated them for the donation.

The buildings will be outfitted with bathrooms and other services for immediate use, and can be used as quarantine spaces as the number of COVID-19 patients from the homeless population grows. Davie and the HBA reached out to local electricians and plumbers for help on the project.

Equipment for Medical Professionals

McKinley Homes LLC of Peachtree Corners, Ga., donated 5,000 surgical masks to Northside Hospital Gwinnett, and 5,000 surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Emory University Hospital. “Our hope is this donation of medical grade and N95 face masks helps to protect our front-line medical professionals who are working tirelessly to ensure the safety of metro Atlantans. This is our way of giving back to the community that supports our livelihood,” McKinley Homes President Jinsong Yang said.

More than a dozen members of the Home Builders & Remodelers Association of Central Connecticut donated 60 rolls of Tyvek house wrap, enough to make 146 cases or 1,300 individual protective gowns, to area insulation manufacturer Thermaxx LLC. The gowns were donated to 47 area hospitals, firefighters and ambulance squads.

Thermaxx converted its production facility in West Haven, Conn., to make disposable gowns for healthcare professionals and first responders. The company also provides a “do it yourself” gown how-to guide to allow individuals, families and other manufacturing facilities to help in the fight.

intubation boxes

Medical professionals receive the donated intubation boxes.

Council members of the Home Builders & Remodelers Metro East Association in Maryville, Ill., built and donated more than a dozen intubation boxes to area hospitals in and around Belleville. Lumber was donated from members Liese Lumber and R.P. Lumber and production was done by Bobby Robinson & Ken Heidbreder, of Fulford Home Remodeling.

Honoring Our Healthcare Heroes

Charlotte-DeSoto Building Industry Association member Sand Star Remodeling & Interior Design is holding a special contest to honor an area healthcare worker. One “Healthcare Hero” dedicated to the COVID-19 fight in Charlotte County, Fla., will receive a bathroom renovation worth up to $10,000. The contest to nominate a worker is open through May 4.

Share Your Stories

These are just a few examples of the countless ways our members and HBAs are serving their communities. We’d like to continue highlighting these efforts around the country. If you or your HBA has been helping your community, please email your story to us at