August New Home Sales Post Solid Gains

By Industry News

Sales of newly built, single-family homes increased 7.1 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 713,000 units in August off a revised upward reading in July, according to newly released data by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Census Bureau. On a year-to-date basis, new home sales for 2019 are 6.4 percent higher than the same period in 2018.

“With job growth continuing and lower interest rates in place, builders report rising confidence levels, and this is reflected in today’s solid sales report,” said Greg Ugalde, chairman of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and a home builder and developer from Torrington, Conn.

“We have seen a general rebound in the housing market since spring, as sales, starts and permits have all registered gains,” said Danushka Nanayakkara-Skillington, NAHB’s AVP for Forecasting and Analysis. “However, affordability remains a factor because buyers can’t benefit from lower interest rates if they don’t have the money for a downpayment.”

A new home sale occurs when a sales contract is signed or a deposit is accepted. The home can be in any stage of construction: not yet started, under construction or completed. In addition to adjusting for seasonal effects, the August reading of 713,000 units is the number of homes that would sell if this pace continued for the next 12 months.

The inventory of new homes for sale was 326,000 in August, representing a 5.5 months’ supply. The median sales price was $328,400. The median price of a new home sale a year earlier was $321,400.

Regionally, and on a year to date basis, new home sales are 11.7 percent higher in the South and 7.8 percent higher in the West. Sales are down 16.5 percent in the Northeast and 10.5 percent in the Midwest.

Consumer Confidence Falls to 3-Month Low

By Housing

After modest decline in August, consumer confidence continued to fall in September, marking the biggest monthly decline this year.

The Consumer Confidence Index, reported by the Conference Board, slipped 9.1 points from 134.2 in August to 125.1 in September, as households are less optimistic about short-term economic outlook and recent escalation in trade tensions. The Present Situation Index decreased 7.0 points from 176.0 to 169.0, after hitting 19-year high last month, and the Expectation Situation Index dropped 10.6 points from 106.4 to 95.8, the lowest reading since January.

Both consumers’ assessment of current conditions and the short-term future weakened in September. The shares of respondents rating business conditions “good” fell by 3.6 percentage points to 37.3%, and those claiming business conditions “bad” rose by 2.8 percentage points to 12.7%. In addition to business optimism cooling, less favorable labor market conditions, following softer job growth last month, has drawn attention. The share of respondents reporting that jobs were “plentiful” decreased by 5.5 percentage points, while those saw jobs as “hard to get” declined slightly by 0.4 percentage points. The gap between these two shares has narrowed.

Though consumer confidence remains at a high level, the continued uncertainty, especially related to the recent escalation in trade and tariff may dampen consumer’s optimism about short-term outlook and result in further volatility in the index.

The Conference Board also reported the share of respondents planning to buy a home within six months. The share of respondents planning to buy a home fell to 5.2% in September. The share of respondents planning to buy a newly constructed home declined to 0.9%, and for those who planning to buy an existing home decreased to 2.7%. Despite the dimming economic outlook due to escalating trade conflicts, the Federal Reserve’s additional rate cut last week will provide a more favorable borrowing environment to home buyers.

Home Price Appreciation Unchanged in July

By Housing

In July, national home prices continued to grow at the same pace as in June. Three metro areas, including New York, Los Angeles and Washington DC, experienced home price declines for the month.

The Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index, reported by S&P Dow Jones Indices rose at a seasonally adjusted annual growth rate of 1.7% in July, unchanged from the previous month. On a year-over-year basis, the Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price NSA Index posted a 3.2% annual gain in July, the lowest annual gain since September 2012. After fifteen straight months’ decreases, the annual growth rate remained unchanged in July.

Meanwhile, the Home Price Index, released by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), rose at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.7% in July, following a 2.5% increase in June. On a year-over-year basis, the FHFA Home Price NSA Index rose by 5.0% in July, after an increase of 4.9% in June.

In addition to tracking home price changes nationwide, S&P also reported home price indexes across 20 metro areas. In July, local home prices varied and their annual growth rates ranged from -4.9% to 7.4%. Among the 20 metro areas, eleven metro areas exceeded the national average of 1.7%. San Diego, Seattle and Charlotte had the highest home price appreciation and experienced the acceleration in home price growth in July. San Diego led the way with a 7.4% increase, followed by Seattle with a 6.3% increase and Charlotte with a 6.2% increase.

Home prices in three metro areas declined in July. They were New York (-4.9%), Los Angeles (-4.5%) and Washington DC (-0.7%). It is the fifth consecutive month that New York experienced negative home price appreciation in 2019.

Why Provide a Green Homeowner Manual?

By Home Innovation

Homes today are complex – they involve systems within systems, integrated technologies, and dozens of “pieces” or components that homeowners rely on every day. Each home component – including systems, appliances, finishes, and more – has its own make, model, serial number, user manual, warranty information, and more.

A homeowners’ manual is the key to maintaining and understanding all of these components. It is a compilation of information to help homeowners quickly and easily find the information to operate and maintain their homes properly. With green homes this is particularly important as the efficiency and effectiveness of all the various elements that make the home “green” are very interrelated and cannot be overlooked. Homeowner education and documentation via a homeowners’ manual is a requirement of home certification to the National Green Building Standard™ (NGBS), but beyond that, it’s just good business!

Responses from NAHB and Guild Quality’s recent survey, “Homeowner’s Perspective: The Value of a Green Home,” illustrated that homeowners would like more education from their builders. Owners of Green Certified homes specifically requested education to “understand how to operate and maximize the benefits of the green-related features in their home.” Taking adequate, timely care of a home is extremely beneficial in the long run and a homeowners’ manual helps homeowners – your clients – protect their most significant and important investment.

What Should a Homeowner Manual Include?

A homeowners’ manual is an easy way to guide your clients to useful product information, common maintenance solutions, and homeowner education. It should also provide general green living tips, resources, and additional information.

The NGBS includes Homeowner Education/Maintenance elements as a way to ensure that homeowners are able to maintain and enjoy the long-term benefits from their homes’ green features. For a home to be NGBS Green Certified, the homeowners/maintenance manual must include all the mandatory items and obtain enough optional points to meet the Chapter 10 point threshold.

Where to Start: Inventory Home Components

A good starting point for your homeowners’ manual is the inventory of all of the major components and systems of the home. Each appliance or feature comes with a copious amount of information: a manual (or two); identifying numbers for the product; warranty information; and information on how to properly care for each component.

Ideally, this type of information should all be well organized and easily accessible. Logical ways to organize it may be by room or by system type. A simple spreadsheet, table, or list which references the item and physical location within the home, brand/manufacturer name, model name and number, and serial number is the most basic format.

Examples of home components to include are:

  • HVAC filters
  • thermostat operation and programming
  • lighting controls
  • appliances and settings
  • water heater settings
  • fan controls

Targeted Resources

Provide the homeowner advice, guidance, and resources for home care and research. This may include tips on how to save money on repairs, utilities, and replacements and help to reduce the total cost of homeownership. The key in this section is to make the information practical, easy to find and use.

Home-Related Resources

Homeowners often need references or other resources to conduct their own maintenance and improvements within the home. They can look to their neighbors, friends, or colleagues for these things, or they can rely on information you’ve provided them – and brag about how helpful their builder is to their neighbors, friends, and colleagues! These resources may include a diagram of the safety valves and controls in the home, local service providers for maintenance and service, frost-protected shallow foundation maintenance (where applicable), and photo records of the home’s framing with utilities. Be sure to include your/your business’s contact information in this information.

Guide to Maintenance Solutions

A narrative explaining the importance of maintenance and operation in retaining the attributes of a green-built building is the starting point for maintenance information. Maintenance checklists provide a baseline for homeowners on when to perform various maintenance tasks, as well as provide a guideline for what tasks are DIY versus those that may require calling a professional. Checklists may be organized as seasonal or annual, and you can either us a publicly available template or one you create. Your company may have a maintenance handbook that would be appropriate to include in this section of the manual as well. Other information you want to include: humidity maintenance how to’s; instructions for inspecting the building for termite infestation; maintenance of rainwater diverting systems (gutters and downspouts); and stormwater management.

Green Options & Landscaping

The exterior of homes and the landscaping around them often provide many opportunities for “greening up” practices and products. Options include understanding common hazardous materials used around the home and instructions for proper handling and disposal; information on organic pest control, fertilizers, deicers, and cleaning products; and information on native and/or low-water landscape materials.

Assembly, Presentation & Education

The intent of a homeowners’ manual is to deliver useful and timely information to homeowners – that’s a constant. How this information is delivered is more variable. Information may be delivered in a hard-copy printed version or in some digital/online format. Either way, the information should be organized and categorized for quick and easy access.

Homeowner education is typically conducted upon the walk-through of the house and can be easily reinforced with use of a homeowners’ manual. Good education and a comprehensive homeowners’ manual may even reduce call-backs, especially concerning the most common homeowner questions and concerns. Remember, homeowner education is an invaluable opportunity for you to showcase the quality of the green or high-performance home you have built, and your level of customer service.

You may wish to provide education and training on additional items as well. Your homeowners’ manual will offer your clients a lasting reminder of the care with which you built and presented their home.

NGBS Keeps Builders on The Cutting Edge

By Home Innovation

It is a classic conversation in the home building industry, the moves as well rehearsed as the opening of a chess game between two champions. There is an obvious, logical path and arguments for both sides when it comes to the adoption of new technologies and codes and builders’ general resistance to change.

Every green home verifier I know has been asked by a builder, “How green could it really be to air seal my house to such a level that I have to bring in make-up air through mechanical ventilation? Why not just let the house ‘breathe’ naturally by not sealing it up so tight?” This question, and others like it generated by new technology and codes, is one of the best reasons to have an expert verify your home based on the practices of the National Green Building Standard (NGBS). If you were building homes under the NGBS, you would have been asking this question back in 2008, if not earlier. Now it’s 2014, the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is gaining ground and being accepted in many states, and these are no longer questions of “if” but “when” you will be required to meet a certain building leakage number. If you already addressed this issue back in ’08, you’ve nothing to fear. The most current version of the NGBS brings you to the cutting edge of the building industry in terms of new technologies and code changes, which are evolving the industry into something totally different then when we were kids.

That being said, there are codes that make sense, and codes that don’t. During my last conversation that started off with the above question, a builder reminded me of a building code in the 70’s which required plastic (poly) to be stapled over insulation before the installation of drywall. That was stupid; no wonder builders are cautious. But now the industry and its practitioners have evolved. Building technology and innovation has grown into a field of study all its own. Builders need a person whose entire job is to stay up on the changes; someone whose job it is to help decipher which changes are to be embraced and which are to be fought. That person is an accredited verifier.

As a green home building verifier and advocate for high-performance, efficient construction, many people assume I embrace all the changes in the building code that seem to ratchet up energy- and resource-efficiency, but I don’t. I only embrace those that make sense from a building science perspective! To use an example from the 2012 IECC, I don’t think the wholesale installation of hot water pipe insulation (HWPI) makes sense. In my area of the country, many builders use a parallel piping system – the type of system where the hub looks like a spider with red and blue legs sprouting from the sides. A parallel piping system saves about 33 percent energy use over traditional piping. Now, even if you forget the exponential increase in the cost of HWPI between traditional piping and a parallel piping system (which can be around $300), think of the logistics. The difference (besides cost) is putting a two-inch hole through walls, TJIs, and possibly an LVL, and putting nine or more two-inch holes through all the same places. My point is if HWPI is mandated the way it is currently written, builders are more likely to revert to a traditional piping system and lose the 33 percent energy savings in favor of HWPI, which saves less energy.

In cases like this, you need that person there arguing on your behalf for something that makes sense – like an exception in the code for parallel piping systems. Before the NGBS became prominent, there were very few builders in my area who even knew what a parallel piping system was. It’s all about staying on the cutting edge, being ahead of the pack. And enlisting the help of a trained, accredited verifier and a rating system like the NGBS can do just that.

Back to our original question – why seal the house then bring in make-up air? There are plenty of sound reasons:

  • Improved Punch Out: You want to reduce nail pops and drywall cracks? The best way to do that is to reduce air movement and temperature differentiation within the wall. I work with a builder whose punch out list at the one-year walk is very limited.
  • Improved Air Quality: Which would you rather be breathing, the air that seeped through all of the little cracks in the house or air that was brought in intentionally and filtered before use?
  • Energy Savings: The use of point source air allows for a heat recovery ventilator (HRV) or an energy recovery ventilator (ERV) to be installed, saving precious energy and nullifying the argument of wasting conditioned air through mechanical ventilation.
  • Cleanliness: What lives in the aforementioned cracks in the building envelope? Dust. Along with eliminating dust, the elimination of cob webs is another benefit of a well-sealed house. No self-respecting spider would make a web where there is no air flow – no chance of catching anything!

So here’s the bottom line (conveniently located at the bottom of my post!). Why certify under the NGBS? Being at the cutting edge of the innovation implementation curve allows you more time for adjusting to the evolution of our industry. To know what’s out there, to see it coming, and to adjust accordingly. A third-party expert armed with a consensus-based “roadmap” like the National Green Building Standard is necessary to help you navigate today’s building world.

Navigating The ‘Gray Zone’ in Green: Commercial-Grade Residential Construction

By Home Innovation

The application of the National Green Building Standard (NGBS) to multifamily construction has been very successful over the past few years with it being accepted as the green program of choice at near exponential rates. There are many factors that promote its success, including affordability, ease of understanding from a residential builder’s perspective, and less onerous time and documentation demands for builders than other rating systems. These same factors make some feel that it is not a serious certification process. However, the rigorous approach of the NGBS to meeting the various levels of certification and its requirements to meet minimum levels in each of the major construction/building categories can allay the fears of most skeptics.

As an accredited Home Innovation NGBS Green Verifier since the certification program started, I have had an opportunity to verify 41 single-family homes and 29 multifamily buildings accounting for 740 apartments. In addition to new construction, I have also had considerable experience verifying green land development and renovations of existing buildings using the NGBS. All NGBS Green Verifiers are trained by Home Innovation to verify all types of green projects eligible for NGBS certification, but on-the-ground expertise in different verification types varies from verifier to verifier.

During a recent job site visit to conduct my initial team meeting and make introductions, it quickly became apparent that the level of code controlling this particular multifamily project fell under commercial construction guidelines. The questions being asked by the architect, engineer, and the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) contractors made me realize how important it was to have the benefit of many years of experience working in both the residential and commercial construction industry.

Transitioning from multifamily low- and mid-rise buildings to multifamily high-rise buildings, it is important that your NGBS Green Verifier has experience in commercial-level construction and codes. Without this kind of experience, a verifier can be placed in a role that taxes the extent of his/her knowledge, thus requiring extra time, effort, and cost to understand the situation and research the proper interpretation. For example, construction tasks that are normally relegated to a subcontractor for smaller, garden-style projects are more typically handled by the larger nationally-oriented engineering and architectural firms for high-rise projects. Verifiers for these types of buildings are sometimes even called on to train the various subs for the project on green requirements and criteria of the NGBS. Also, ASHRAE 91.1-2007 plays a larger role in the energy and building envelope; the energy analysis for high-rise multifamily buildings is more complex. Even the building materials themselves become less familiar – high-rise buildings present a very different landscape of steel, concrete, and glass, as opposed to the wood, brick, and vinyl that are so familiar in single-family and smaller multifamily projects. You can see where there is a specialization for this type of verification work.

The housing market has seen trends towards higher-end, all-inclusive communities as multifamily living becomes the preferred residential lifestyle for many generations. With that trend increasing, more residential building will include commercial features, be located in urban areas, and be considered a high-rise structure. The NGBS scope clearly encompasses high-rise residential structures, but the proper application of certain practices is not explicit in the practice. It is therefore critical to understand the intent of the rules within the NGBS in order to provide an effective verification process for this sector of the industry. An NGBS Green Verifier’s role in confirming a building’s compliance with the NGBS is critical to the developer. However, because of the unique questions that arise with high-rise buildings, I also believe that involving an NGBS Green Verifier with appropriate high-rise/multifamily experience can offer valuable guidance and expertise that the developer’s entire project team will find useful from the beginning of the design process.

I am pleased to have been selected to serve on the ANSI Consensus Committee charged with development of the 2015 version of the NGBS, assigned to the Multifamily Task Group. I served previously on the ANSI Committee that developed the current 2012 version of the NGBS. I look forward to working with my peers on the Committee and the Task Groups to improve the sustainability practices and clarity of the NGBS, especially with regard to high-rise multifamily construction, to ensure the NGBS continues to be an affordable, yet rigorous, green building standard for all residential development.