The Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC) today published guidance for construction employers, employees and contractors on coronavirus exposure prevention, preparedness and response. NAHB is a key member of CISC.
The guidance describes how to prevent worker exposure to coronavirus, protective measures to be taken on the job site, personal protective equipment and work practice controls to be used, cleaning and disinfecting procedures, and what to do if a worker becomes sick. The documents are specifically tailored to construction job sites.
The materials include a customizable response plan, notifications for employees, a checklist and quick reference guide, and a toolbox talk for employers. The guidance is organized into sections that include:
- Responsibilities of Managers and Supervisors
- Responsibilities of Employees
- Job Site Protective Measures
- Job Site Cleaning and Disinfecting
- Job Site Exposure Situations
- OSHA Recordkeeping
- “Essential” Industry Designations by States with Business Closure Orders
Home builders, general contractors, contractors and other companies conducting work on construction job sites are encouraged to download the guidance, customize it for their companies, and distribute or display to workers.
Examples of guidance specific to the construction industry include:
- Clean shared spaces such as trailers and break/lunchrooms at least once per day.
- Disinfect shared surfaces (door handles, machinery controls, etc.) on a regular basis.
- Avoid sharing tools with co-workers. If not, disinfect before and after each use.
- Arrange for any portable job site toilets be cleaned by the leasing company at least twice per week and disinfected on the inside.
Access the resources in the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response section of nahb.org.
For any questions, please contact Rob Matuga.