Jamie & Robbie Sandlin | HBA Silver Industry Partner
”We are family owned and operated and been in Baton Rouge since 1977!
What is your favorite thing about being a HBA member?
- Jamie: Connecting with builders and having access to the latest resource within the building industry.
- Robbie: The ability to connect with trusted industry partners to talk business, help solve your clients other needs or simply collaborate to improve the home building experience.
What is your favorite book or movie?
- Jamie: Killing Lincoln
- Robbie: “Good to Great” by Jim Collins. I was required to read it in college but have often referred back to it over the years.
Favorite Out-of-Town Destination:
- Jamie: Anywhere in the Caribbean
- Robbie: I love traveling, but the one place that I visit often is Austin. Beyond that, I’d say my favorite trip was to Australia and New Zealand.
What was your first job in the Home Building Industry?
- Jamie: Selling brick, insulation and fireplaces to builders.
Robbie: As a teenager, I worked with my dad installing fireplaces as well as installing glass block windows and occasionally laying brick.
Favorite Meal:
- Jamie: Rib eye from Ruth’s Chris
- Robbie: I could sit at Mestizo’s and eat chips and queso all day.
What do you like most about living in Louisiana?
- Jamie: The food
- Robbie: It’s home. I left for a while and lived in Austin, and while I do miss Austin, I enjoy living closer to my family and being able to see my nieces and nephews.
What is your favorite way to unwind?
- Jamie: Unwind? What’s that? With a wife, 3 kids, and a business…
- Robbie: I like a balance of working out to help unwind and then sometimes doing absolutely nothing.
Tell us a little bit about your family:
- Jamie: Married 20 years to my wife. We have 2 boys (ages 17 and 11) and recently adopted a 5 year old girl.
- Robbie: It’s just me….for now. If you’re reading this and single, see picture above. If interested, call me.
What is the best advice you were ever given?
- Jamie: When things are crumbling around you, find a quiet place to pray.
- Robbie: Don’t spend more than you earn.