Mike Gorman
”Networking and referrals are the most important factor when home builders choose a business like ours, and HBA helps us make those connections every time.
For those who may not know, describe your business and expertise.
- Gorman Brothers Appliances and Lighting in Prairieville, is of course, a home appliance and lighting showroom and sales office. We put our whole heart and family into this business, and without our people – our team – we could not possibly have the level of success that we currently have. Our team makes us who we are – from that first phone call for sales to our follow up with service, Gorman Brothers is a local, family oriented business.
How long have you been an HBA member and why did you choose to become one?
- Gorman Brothers has been an HBA member for about 20 years. We choose to be members because of the professionalism of the group, and the advocacy for our business.
What is your favorite memory while being involved in HBA?
- From fish fries and golf tournaments to industry shows, we’ve got years’ worth of wonderful memories with HBA.
What is something you’ve learned through HBA/GBR’s resources and have been able to apply it to your business?
- Networking and referrals are the most important factor when home builders choose a business like ours, and HBA helps us make those connections every time.
What Is one of the biggest accomplishments of your business so far?
- Honestly, staying in business and having a healthy business is our biggest accomplishment. We’re still here because of our proven commitment to our clients.
Describe your community involvement?
- We are members of the Gonzales Rotary Club, help with Night of Angels (a Christmas organization for handicapped children), we sponsor local schools, support the local fire department and other local organizations throughout the year.
What are some steps you’ve taken in your business to improve the home-building industry?
- Being in business as long as we have, we’ve seen a lot and we’ve learned to stick with high quality brands and products, and to offer only our best in customer service. Anything less is just not good business.
What’s your strategy to ensure continued growth of Gorman Brothers?
- We strive to keep great products in stock, our name in a positive light in our community and in social media.
How has evolving technology changed your industry, and how has your company adapted?
- When we first started this business, the internet did not exist. People found us through the phone book. Now, we are able to offer appliances and product information through our website. We offer appliances that Bluetooth info straight to our customers’ phones and home security systems. However, for the client that wants more basic appliances we offer that as well. Whatever level of technology our clients need, we can meet the challenge.
What’s a leadership skill you’ve learned the hard way?
- I always tell my team that there is nothing that I’d ask of them that I wouldn’t do myself. As soon as you take your team for granted, your business suffers.