What is your favorite thing about being an HBA member?
The nature of professionalism and exposure are my favorite things about being an HBAGBR member. Anywhere I turn, I can find an elite level professional whether it be on the construction side or vendor side of things. Should I ever need help with something or want to collaborate in a specific area, we have that here at HBAGBR.
What has been your favorite project at your company?
Certainly it is difficult to pick one favorite project however if I had to pick one I would say my Greystone custom house kind of put me on the map. It was an extremely challenging project during the pandemic but we got it done and it turned out beautiful.
When you sit down at a bar, what are you ordering?
Corona and Lime.
What is your favorite HBA|GBR event? Why?
I enjoy the collaboration meetings with officials such as the permitting office and DEQ. It really brings the people together that make this industry strive and allows for open communication when dealing with any issues.
What was your first job?
My first job was a Project Engineer for a small municipal company working on mainline wastewater projects for the City of Baton Rouge.
What is one industry-related thing you learned in the past month?
These two things go hand in hand as one but relationships and leverage are huge in our industry. You have to step back and look at things from 30,000ft above rather than having tunnel vision at times. The bigger picture is your career, our industry, relationships.. the way you treat subcontractors, vendors, & clients.. Our goal is to create lasting relationships.
In your opinion, what is the most important innovation in the industry in the last 5 years?
Technology, as always, is one of the most important innovations in this industry. I feel like it changes every couple years and staying on top of it is always a challenge. I love technology so we try to implement various things in all of our custom houses.
What are three words that describe you?
Outgoing, aggressive, positive.
What is the best advice you’ve been given?
I remember asking my old boss if there would ever be a time in self employment where I would feel comfortable. He told me if you ever feel comfortable you will fail. Every day presents a new challenge in our industry but what he meant by this was don’t ever settle, don’t ever become comfortable, always keep your mindset on lasting relationships and that will take you a long way. We only get one shot at this thing called life so live every day as if it were your last.
If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?
I wouldn’t ever change who I am. I bring my A game to the table every day in all aspects of life. I have a wonderful family who I get to see every day and I have great friends who love and support us. I thoroughly enjoy what I do and the smiles on my clients’ faces are what I do it for. The relationships we make in life whether personally or professionally are why I wake up in the mornings.