Advocacy Greater Baton Rouge unemployment at 3.7%, lower than national average The Baton Rouge Area Chamber (BRAC) recently released the Economic Outlook which forecasts that the regional…Melissa ParmeleeDecember 8, 2021
Advocacy How to Apply for a Permit Online In January 2022, HBA will host builders for an interactive session with professionals from South…Melissa ParmeleeDecember 8, 2021
Advocacy EBR 10 year permitting According to the Census Bureau's Permit Survey as of October 31, 2021. To learn more…Melissa ParmeleeDecember 8, 2021
Advocacy Leadership Meets Virtually With Congressman Graves In November, Congressman Garret Graves joined HBA Leadership including board members of HBA and BuildPAC,…Melissa ParmeleeDecember 1, 2021
Advocacy Livingston: Ordinance Committee request feedback from developers On November 30th, the Livingston Parish Ordinance Committee meeting including several agenda items relevant to…Melissa ParmeleeDecember 1, 2021
Advocacy Scroggs approved to Planning & Zoning Commission with HBA support HBA advocated for the approval of Evan Scroggs, NAI Latter & Blum, was approved by…Melissa ParmeleeNovember 29, 2021
Advocacy BRDPW Permitting changes supported by HBA HBA|GBR’s Board met last week and voted to support the proposed permitting ordinance and fee…Melissa ParmeleeNovember 24, 2021
Advocacy Ascension Parish Consultants invite realtors, developers and builders to discuss UDC changes. HBA members participated in a meeting with the Parish Planning Consultant Kendig Keast Collaborative to…Melissa ParmeleeNovember 24, 2021
Advocacy Call to Action: Attend Ordinance Committee meeting to challenge Livingston Parish Drainage Impact Fees On November 18th, the Livingston Parish council introduced the Drainage Impact Ordinance for a brief…Melissa ParmeleeNovember 23, 2021
Advocacy HBA members provide feedback on EBR UDC Garage Setbacks EBR Planning Commission approved updates to Code Sections: Chapter 11, 17 and 19. The changes…Melissa ParmeleeNovember 17, 2021