Scott Bardwell | HBA Elite Builder Champion
”For three generations, we've made it our purpose to build homes in the Baton Rouge area with patience and thoughtfulness to meet your needs today, tomorrow and for years to come. Our family heritage is reflected in every floor plan, each unique design concept and in every professionally selected detail that goes into your home.
What is your favorite thing about being a HBA member?
- Interacting with other respected builders and associates in the industry. It’s really a great group of people who are open and honest about our daily challenges.
What is your favorite book or movie?
- Fun: Tombstone (movie)
Impact: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (book)
Favorite Out-of-Town Destination:
- Mountains in the summer
What was your first job in the Home Building Industry?
- I have been around the industry almost my whole life but my first official job was President/Owner when I jumped in with both feet in 2009 when we couldn’t give our lots away in a development we had just completed. Trial by fire!
Favorite Meal:
- I love cooking salmon or pot roast for a special occasion with family.
What do you like most about living in Louisiana?
- The family feel and deep culture. When I lived in Charlotte, NC where most everyone is a transplant, I longed for culture and connection. I really appreciate our roots around here.
What is your favorite way to unwind?
- These days I like to walk around the LSU lakes. I’m a kinetic thinker… need to be moving to process and unwind.
Tell us a little bit about your family:
- I’m fortunate to be married to Anna Katherine for over 20 years and we have 3 kids ranging from 13 to 18 and a yellow lab named Bailey.
What is the best advice you were ever given?
- I’ve asked for LOTS of advice over time and have been given some real nuggets. “Pigs get fat but hogs get slaughtered” is one that I probably use around the office most… Don’t be shy about taking your share but let’s not get greedy!