Diane Baum | HBA Education & CEU Chair
”HBA is a close group that always tries to make everybody feel welcomed and become involved. With a women-owned business, sometimes you feel disenfranchised, but with HBA, it has always been open doors and I always felt respected from day one.
What company do you work for and what is your job description?
- I am the CEO and Environmental Director at Baum Environmental Group Inc.
How long have you been a HBA member and why did you choose to become one?
- I’ve been a member for 11 to 12 years and I became one, because I wanted to be able to be “in the know.” Education is what brought me, but the mentorship, advocacy and connections made me stay.
What makes HBA important to you?
- You feel you’re always kept knowledgeable about what’s “new” in the industry. Trends and support through members and staff keep me up-to-date. It’s a very important association for my business.
How has HBA aided in the way you do business?
- I have gained the capability to grow my business. Being in a builder support industry, my trade has expanded with extensive knowledge and expertise in unique operations. It has helped to know the pain points for builders since you are updated on all aspects of the residential trade and I have used that to help solve problems, which has led to an accelerated growth in my business. There are many services we provide now that I would have never known about if it were not for HBA and its membership.
How have you been able to impact the community as a HBA member?
- By being a member I feel we educate the community on the impacts our industry has to the economy and their day-to day life. At the end of the day we all pull up to our “home” and relax. It’s the one thing that all of us value as a community. By being able to support and assist the building industry means I support everybody’s “home” and help their capability to enjoy the American Dream.
What has your HBA membership meant to you both personally and professionally?
- Friendships beyond the professional life and people I can call for advice. I don’t feel there is any competitive jealousy or animosity, simply just a willingness to help all the time. HBA is a close group that always tries to make everybody feel welcomed and become involved. With a women-owned business, sometimes you feel disenfranchised, but with HBA it has always been open doors and I always felt respected from day one.
Have you received any awards or recognition?
- If so, tell us all about it! Not yet, but working towards it! Hopefully. I am working on some “plans” to help the industry.
What is your favorite show to binge watch?
- Game of Thrones and LIVE PD.
What is your favorite holiday and why?
- All the holidays. It’s time off from work!
What are your hobbies outside of work?
- Spending time with my three dogs, friends and family along with eating out and gardening.