Updates to the Construction Code Requirements

As of February 14, 2023, there have been two updates to the construction code requirements:

  1. Prior to February 14, 2023, the State of Louisiana was requiring an Ice & Water Shield underlayment to be installed on roofs around the perimeter. After being presented with information, the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council voted to remove this requirement. 
  2. There has been a requirement for doors separating garages from dwelling units to be installed with a self-closing device in the base code for many years. The state has traditionally removed this requirement in Louisiana. This year, LSUCCC chose to leave the requirement in our state code. It was originally thought to be an oversight; however, LSUCCC voted to confirm the provision is now required in Louisiana. This is a new provision for our local members and the requirement is effective for all new permits applied for after January 1st of this year.